

July 2nd, 2024


A fun game of tag in Valorant



Event Details

Enrollment Deadline

Enrolled Players

5 Players

Event Structure


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Game State

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Current State


Accepting enrollments until July 15th, 2024, 3:00 pm CDT

In this event, you will use the spike as an "you're it" indicator. Drop the spike to another player before time runs out or you're out.


Participants will start on the attackers side and be restricted to a small area of a map. One player will be given spike to start, once selected that player is labeled the "it", the player who is "it" has the goal to make someone else "it" before time runs out by dropping them the spike. The person who is "it" will be given 2 minutes to give the spike to someone else. The player that is "it" at the end of the time period is out. If the spike is on the ground at the end of the time period, the player who has it last before it was on the ground will be the person who is out.

Players are able to select agents of their choosing and use abilities to get a strategic advantage over other participants. However, guns and abilities that kill another player is strictly forbidden and will result in the killer being disqualified. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind, cheats will be enabled to allow for 10 players to be on the attacker's side. Due to this, players will be able to use ghost mode. This is also strictly forbidden and will result in a disqualification. To ensure you don't accidentally ghost, we suggest you unbind your ghost key before the game starts.

The game is over once there are 5 participants remaining. Those remaining are the winners of the challenge.

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Enrolled Players

All players that are enrolled in Test Event

PlayerRoleEnrolled At

Guest Star

July 6th

Guest Star

July 6th

Guest Star

July 7th

Guest Star

July 9th

Guest Star

July 10th