Content Creator Manual

I made this for anyone who wants to become a streamer and needed resources on how to get started like I did.

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Recording Etiquette

Primarily for group videos or inviting people on stream.

Recording in a group can be very disorientating and may get out of hand quickly if not properly monitored. When our group records, here are some simple ways to ensure we stay orderly:

  • Ensure everyone gets a time to speak.
  • While someone is talking:
    • Try not to cut them off and allow them to finish their thought.
    • There isn't a need to speak every time, but while you're not speaking see if there's something you can bring up to help the conversation.
  • While talking:
    • Try to keep your thoughts short to not overstep your time.
    • Remember that we need to keep audience retention.
    • Speak clearly!!


If you have trouble speaking in a group or just want to see what resources are available that might even improve you're already decent conversational skills here are some resources I've personally took the liberty of finding and ensuring might be some help.

DSLR/Lighting Structure

Learn to structure your lighting and camera set up.

If you use a DSLR camera it's important to learn much about the camera so you can ensure you're using it to its full potential. This includes knowing the settings you place the camera on, the lighting you use for the camera, the lens you have, and even the room you're shooting in. For this, I went ahead and found essential videos to help you understand more about your camera and what it takes to ensure a great quality image.

Below I have some videos I would highly recommend to everyone who hasn't seen these videos yet has a DSLR camera. Additionally, I'll share my own playlist I'm personally creating for myself to have even more knowledge about camera work to be able to have an even higher understanding than I have currently. If you want to further your knowledge as well, you're more than welcome to watch them as well and even recommend me some personally.


These are some essential videos to consider to ensure you're taking your lighting and camera setup to the next level.

My Personal Playlist for Quality Production

This is a playlist I created and made to be able to spark new creativity in my production process. Most of these videos were designed for cinematographers, but can be easily extracted for creating videos of all sorts.

Sound Quality

The most important part of a stream is audio.

Sound takes a video and pulls it to a masterpiece. Ensuring quality sound is a must for ensuring a high audience retention rate. It is by far the second most important component when it comes to a quality film whether it's a feature film or just a YouTube video. Skipping on ensuring your sound while recording is crisp or even sound engineering in post production is what separates a YouTube hobbyist from a YouTube creator. Please ensure you're not skipping on sound design.


Below are some videos to help show the importance of sound as well as give helpful advice and even tricks to ensuring good sound quality in your videos.

Off Camera Guidelines

Learn to structure your lighting and camera set up.

Behavior off camera reflects the team as a whole. There are plenty of examples of individuals causing problems for their teams due to what they display outside of the team.

Our guidelines for off-camera behavior are simple, don't do any reprehensible behavior that will tarnish your name. Your wellbeing and image are important not just to us, but for you as an individual making a name for themselves. Please keep in mind the impact you're choosing to take by taking part in this endeavor.

Editing Tips And Tricks

Learn to structure your lighting and camera set up.

Post-production is the most important task to create a story. It tunes the voice and message the creator wants to portray and deliver through the video.

You need to have a good understanding and knowledge of video editing and postproduction as a whole to be able to have that creative control over the voice and message you want the audience to receive. Due to this simple fact, you must hone your sword that is post-production. Below are some amazing videos that allowed me and others to be able to be a better editor and take creative control over my videos without feeling worn out.


These are some essential videos to consider to ensure you're taking your lighting and camera setup to the next level.

Keep in mind, the Sound Quality section plays a part in the editing process and I made sure to put the post-production sound tips in that section.